The "" website (hereinafter the "Site") is published by Epollon, a simplified joint-stock company, whose registered office is located at 7, rue Pablo Neruda 92300 Levallois-Perret, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 921 915 419.


Information about Epollon

7 rue Pablo Neruda, 92300 Levallois-Perret
SIRET number: 92191541900011
E-mail address:

Information about the host of the Site

Host: Webflow via AWS Amazon Web Services servers
Headquarters Address: 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor CA 94103 San Francisco

Intellectual property

All information and elements reproduced on the Site (in particular texts, photographs, videos, databases, sounds, etc.) as well as all elements created for the Site and its general structure, are the property of Epollon or are subject to rights of use, reproduction or representation granted to it.

Jockiz brands, and more generally all trademarks, illustrations, images and logos
represented on the Site are the property of Epollon or are subject to rights of use, reproduction or representation granted to it.

Any reproduction or use, in whole or in part, of the pages, illustrations or any other component of the Site is strictly prohibited.

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy applies to users of the Site (the
"Platform") published by the company Epollon SAS, whose registered office is located at 7, rue Pablo Neruda 92300 Levallois-Perret, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 921 915 419.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to expose to Users of the Platform:
- The manner in which their personal data is collected and processed;
- What are their rights in relation to this personal data;
- Who is the Data Controller of the personal data collected and processed;
- To whom this personal data is transmitted.

1. Definitions

- " Personal Data " means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person or who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social;

- The term " Processing " is understood as any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction; The term " Controller" means the body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing. In the case of the Processing of Users' Personal Data during their use of the Platform, Epollon is the Data Controller. The term " User " refers to a natural person who accesses the Platform.

- The term " Platform" refers to the website accessible at

- "Recipient " means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to which data is disclosed, whether or not it is a third party. However, public authorities which may receive data in the context of a particular fact-finding mission in accordance with EU law or the law of a Member State shall not be considered as recipients.

- The term " Intermediate archiving " refers to the phase during which the data is no longer used to achieve the set purpose ("closed files") but is still of administrative interest to the Data Controller.

2. What data do we collect?

2.1. What data do we collect?

2.1.1. On the Platform

The user is free to visit the Platform without creating an account.

The user can enter their email address in order to receive commercial communications from Epollon. The data collected for this purpose is as follows:

-E-mail address
-IP address

3. Who hosts your data?

The data is hosted by Webflow through AWS Amazon Web Services servers headquartered at 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor CA 94103 San Francisco. The host can be contacted at the following email address

The Personal Data collected and processed is exclusively hosted and processed in France and/or Europe.

4. Who processes your data?

4.1. Data Controller

Epollon, a simplified joint-stock company, whose registered office is located at 7, rue Pablo Neruda 92300 Levallois-Perret, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 921 915 419 is responsible for the processing of your Data collected during the use of the website and the Platform.

4.2. Obligations of the Data Controller

The Data Controller undertakes to protect the Personal Data collected, not to transmit it to third parties without the User having been informed and to respect the purposes for which this data was collected.

In addition, the Data Controller undertakes to notify the User in the event of rectification or deletion of the data, unless this entails disproportionate formalities, costs and procedures for him/her.

In the event that the integrity, confidentiality and security of Personal Data are compromised, the Data Controller undertakes to inform the persons concerned by any means.

5. Why do we collect your data?

We offer you a unique experience on our Platform. For this purpose, we collect and process your Personal Data for different purposes and on different legal bases, as set out in the table below:

Purposes of the Processing of your data

Promotion of our business activities

- Sending emails in the event of promotions, as well as advertisements and promotions - personalized to your interests regarding our products and services;
- Sending our newsletters;
- The organization of promotional contests.

Legal Basis for Processing

This Processing activity is based on the User's consent.
Users are able to object, at any time, to this use in a simple and free manner.

6. Who are the recipients of the data we collect about us?

6.1. Categories of recipients

We only collect and process the above-mentioned data for our own purposes and do not sell it to third parties under any circumstances.

We reserve the right to use the services of a subcontractor when our needs and situation require it, within the limits of the needs related to the performance of our services.

The hypothesis of the transfer of Epollon's activity and its rights would allow the transmission of the said information to the eventual purchaser, who would in turn be bound by the same obligations with regard to the Users' personal data.

6.2. International Transfers

No international transfer is provided for in the Processing of the data we collect.

7. How long do we keep your data?

Your data is kept for different periods depending on the purpose of the Processing:

Purpose of the Processing of your data

Promoting our services

Data Retention

If you are a customer, up to 3 years from the end of your contractual relationship with us. If you are a prospect, up to 3 years from the last contact or activity on the site or on an electronic communication medium (in particular an email).

8. What rights can you exercise in relation to the Processing of your data?

You have the right to exercise any of the rights listed below with Traace at any time.

- Right of access: Right to obtain confirmation that your data will be processed by us, and if necessary, right of access to such data and the right to obtain additional information on the characteristics of the Processing;

- Right to rectification of data: in the event of inaccuracy or, taking into account the purpose of the Processing, the right to complete incomplete data, including by providing an additional statement;

- Right to restrict Processing so that we do not process your data for a defined period of time;

You can exercise this right when:

i. you contest the accuracy of your data for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of your data;

ii. the Processing of your data is unlawful and you object to its deletion and instead demand the restriction of its use;

iii. we no longer need your data, but you still need it to establish, exercise or defend your rights before the courts;

iiii. you object to the Processing operation for reasons relating to your particular situation, during the verification of whether the legitimate grounds we have pursued outweigh yours;

Right to object: You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data.

You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding the Processing of your data with the competent data protection authority in your country. In France, the supervisory authority is the CNIL - 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07 or on the website: We invite you to contact us using the contact details below before making a complaint to the competent data protection authority.

9. How do we protect your data?

We are committed to protecting the information we collect through the Platform. In particular, we use appropriate physical, technical and organisational security measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful Processing, accidental loss or destruction of your data or damage to your data.

10. What do we do in the event of a data breach?

In the event of a Data breach, we shall notify the relevant supervisory authority of the breach as soon as possible and no later than seventy-two (72) hours after becoming aware of it.

In addition, in the event that the breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of a User, we will inform the person concerned by the breach of his or her data, unless:

- We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational safeguards and that these measures have been applied to the data affected by the said breach, in particular measures that make the data incomprehensible to anyone who is not authorized to have access to it, such as encryption;

- We have taken subsequent measures that ensure that the high risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects is no longer likely to materialise; and

- If disclosure to the data subject would require disproportionate effort.

11. Who can you contact to exercise your rights or if you have any questions about the Processing of your data?

If you would like to know more about the provisions of this Privacy Policy or exercise any of your rights in relation to your data, you can write to us:

At the following address: Epollon SAS, whose registered office is located at 7, rue Pablo Neruda 92300 Levallois-Perret;

Or by e-mail to:

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

Epollon reserves the right to modify it in order to ensure that it complies with applicable law. Therefore, the User is invited to regularly consult this privacy policy in order to keep informed of the latest changes that will be made to it.

13. Acceptance by the User of the Privacy Policy

By browsing the Platform, the User certifies that he/she has read and understood this Privacy Policy and accepts its conditions, more specifically with regard to the collection and Processing of his/her data.

Terms and conditions of use


Epollon is a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), whose registered office is located at 7, rue Pablo Neruda 92300 Levallois-Perret, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Registry under number 921 915 419 ("We" or the "Company").

The Company has designed and developed an entertainment platform accessible online at (the "Platform") that allows its users ("You" or the "Users") to collect monetizable digital objects created by the Company and supported by blockchain technology ("NFTs"). Users may purchase NFTs in an auction on the Primary Market and may also offer them for sale, or purchase NFTs from other Users, on the Secondary Market. The Company has also developed an online game (the "Game") in which Users can use their NFTs and earn rewards (the "Services").

These Terms and Conditions constitute a contract (the "Contract") that you enter into with the Company in order to access the Platform, play the Game and benefit from the Services.

Use of the Services also implies adherence to Our Privacy Policy, which governs the manner in which We protect Your personal data. This policy is available here: https: //


The purpose of the Contract is to define the conditions under which
the User accesses the Platform, plays the Game, benefits from the Services and may dispose of its NFTs.

Depending on the use You make of the Platform, additional conditions may apply, in particular:

i.The Game Rules available here:

ii. The Conditions of the Second Market, if You offer for sale or purchase one or more NFTs on the Second Market organized by the Platform available here


3.1 Creating a user account. To access the Services, You must create a user account on the Platform by filling in :

i. A username and e-mail address: the creation of your account will require verification of this e-mail address, which will be used by the Company to communicate with you during the performance of the Contract

ii. Your age: Access to the Platform and Services is forbidden to minors.

The user name must not contain offensive or illicit content or infringe the rights of third parties. We reserve the right to request the modification of your user name and to suspend access to the Services while you proceed with its modification.

When you create a user account, you represent and warrant that you:

i. are eighteen (18) years of age or older;
ii. are not in a situation that would prohibit you from accessing the Services, such as being on a list of persons subject to restrictions established by the European Union or sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council, or residing in a country or territory subject to comprehensive sanctions by the European Union;
iii. accept the Agreement in its entirety
iv. use the Platform and the Services in accordance with the Agreement and all applicable laws and regulations.

You are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information You provide to us, for maintaining the security of Your account and the confidentiality of Your login information and password. The loss of your password will result in the need to implement a password recovery procedure with a trusted third party, as the Company does not retain the private key to your Wallet. You are responsible for the content of your account and the actions that are carried out via your account.

3.2. Prohibited uses of the account. A User account may only be created and used by an individual of legal age. Legal entities or groups of persons are prohibited from creating a User account. You may create only one User account. The account is intended for personal, non-commercial use, and it is forbidden to manage the User account(s) of other Users even after obtaining their express agreement.

3.3. License to Your Account Content. You assign to
exclusively the rights of exploitation, reproduction, representation, distribution and adaptation attached to the content that you may create as part of the use of the Services, as well as the right to create works derived from this content, free of charge and for the entire world for the legal duration of protection of these rights. You also acknowledge that the Company's use of this content justifies derogating from your moral rights attached to said content.

3.4. Player identity control (KYC) and the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism: The Company is bound by obligations relating to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It is required to identify users. The opening of an account or the performance of certain transactions may be subject to the implementation of a due diligence procedure. You are hereby informed that the Company's obligations with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism may change over time, and that access to Your account is subject to compliance with these obligations at all times, in particular subsequent to the creation of Your Account. You therefore agree to respond at any time to any request for verification made by the Company. Should You fail to respond to such verification requests, or in the event that such verification should reveal regulatory violations on Your part, You may be subject to suspension or even closure of Your account under the terms of Article 10 of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

3.5. Integrity of the races: The Company is obliged to respond to requests from race organizing companies, for whom the integrity and absence of manipulation of the races is a major objective. In this respect, the User undertakes to respond to any request for information from the Company in order to comply with its obligations in this respect.


Access to the Platform is free of charge. For the duration of the Contract, You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Services. In general, You assume responsibility for the physical and logical security of the individual terminals You use to access the Services. To enable the Company to provide You with the Services, You grant the Company the right to use, process and transmit the information You transmit to it.


5.1. Currency Portfolio. A unique wallet is associated with each User Account allowing You to store funds usable solely in connection with the Services and the acquisition of NFT ("Currency Wallet"). Transactions carried out on the Platform are registered on the Starkex Blockchain managed by Starkware and use USDC. When you fund your Currency Portfolio, you can either deposit USDCs that you hold or do so using the Wert payment solution integrated on the Platform with your credit card.

5.2. NFT Wallet. In order to benefit from the Services, You must have a wallet ("NFT Wallet") allowing You to store Your NFTs that can be used in the context of the Services. You may use Your NFT Wallet to purchase and/or sell NFT in connection with the Services. You can connect an NFT Wallet of your choice (for example your Metamask Wallet) or an NFT Wallet created on the Starkware blockchain via the Platform.
We do not have access to the private keys of your Wallets and you are solely responsible for managing and securing Your Wallets. If you lose one of your private keys, you run the risk of losing access to your currencies and/or NFTs. Portfolios may be hacked and You may be the target of phishing attacks. The Company declines all responsibility in the event of the loss of Your currencies and/or NFTs due to the loss of Your private keys, or in the event of a third party compromising the security of Your portfolios.


6.1. NFTs. NFTs are unique digital assets featuring jockeys that the User can buy, sell and collect. The characteristics of NFTs are available here

NFTs are issued by the Company and registered on the "Ethereum" Blockchain managed by Starkware. The Company guarantees the authenticity of the NFTs it generates. The Company owns or holds the rights to the elements reproduced on the NFTs.

6.2. Auctions (Primary market). The Company issues NFTs which it markets for the first time through auctions. Auctions are "English-style", i.e. they are open for a given period. All registered bids are considered valid and cannot be retracted. The User whose bid is the highest at the end of the auction period becomes the owner of the item, and is obliged to pay the amount of his bid. The special conditions applicable to the Primary Market are available here.

6.3. Buying and selling on the Secondary Market. The Company provides its non-professional Users with a service enabling them to buy or sell NFTs to other Users. Consequently, the Company is not a party to the sales contract concluded between Users and does not act as an agent or broker in the transaction. The User who sells the NFT is considered to be the sole seller, and is solely responsible for his or her obligations in this respect.
Putting items up for sale. The User may list one of his NFTs on the Secondary Market, setting the sale price and the duration of the sale offer. When a buyer bids an amount equal to the selling price, the sale is definitively concluded. You may also receive counter-offers for a lower price than the selling price you have set, which you may accept. If you accept a counterproposal, the sale is considered concluded.
Purchase. To purchase an NFT listed on the second market, the User may offer the price set by the seller or make a counterproposal.
Given the digital nature of the Services, the digital nature of NFTs and the irreversible operation of Blockchain technology, you expressly waive your right of withdrawal when purchasing an NFT on the Platform.

6.4. Prices and payment. All NFT prices indicated on the Platform are expressed in Euros and in USDC at the conversion rate in effect at the time of the transaction. Payment is always made in USDC. As the Euro/USDC conversion rate fluctuates, the NFT price displayed in Euros on the Platform may vary over time.
Payment will be credited or debited in USDC to Your Currency Portfolio.
You will receive an email confirming your transaction. Please note that certain transactions may be subject to a verification procedure in application of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulations to which We may be subject.

6.5. Transaction fees. The price displayed does not include any transaction fees payable by the User for each transaction, such as the transaction fees applied by the Ethereum blockchain (Gas Fees) or any other fees charged by a third-party service or by Us. The User will nevertheless be informed of the applicable fees when the order is finalized, and thus of the total price of the transaction, before proceeding with its confirmation.Disputes. Any dispute arising from a transaction carried out on the second market must be resolved between the buyer and the seller, the Company not being a party to the said transaction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company reserves the right to intervene in the event of fraud and to participate in any action taken by one of the parties to the sales contract.Buying and selling on a third-party platform. You may transfer and/or
sell your NFTs via a third-party service. Any purchases or sales via third-party platforms are subject to the terms and conditions of those providers, and the Company is not responsible for such transactions outside its platform.
Ownership. When you buy an NFT on the Premier or Second Marché, you become its owner. You can dispose of it freely by keeping it in your NFT Portfolio, offering it for sale on the Second Marché, transferring it to another digital portfolio, etc.
Taxation. Income derived from the sale of NFT is likely to constitute taxable income in application of tax legislation. Users are solely responsible for complying with their tax obligations. Users resident in France for tax purposes can fulfill their tax obligations via the French tax authorities' website,, and obtain information on any applicable tax regimes and the procedures for declaring
taxes on the page accessible via the following link:
eco-collabo-fiscal-vente-biens.pdf (


The Company grants You, on a non-exclusive basis, a worldwide license to use, display and transfer the elements reproduced on the NFTs generated by the Company of which You are the legitimate owner, for the period during which You are the owner of said NFTs. You are prohibited from:

i. using the NFTs for commercial purposes, advertising or promotion of a product or service,
ii. using the image and/or elements reproduced on the NFTs for commercial purposes, advertising or promotion of a product or service,
iii. alter the image and/or the elements reproduced on the NFT,
iv. claim any intellectual property right on the image and/or the elements reproduced on the NFT,
v. infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties on the image and/or the elements reproduced on the NFT.
vi. contest the property rights of the Company or the persons from whom it derives its rights on the image and/or the elements reproduced on the NFTs;
vii. claim any right, title or interest relating to the images and/or the elements reproduced on the NFTs;
viii. register or apply for registration as a trademark or industrial property right of the images and/or elements reproduced on the NFTs;
ix. use any trademark that is confusingly similar to the image and/or elements reproduced on the NFTs.


Each User must inform the Company without delay in the event of theft of his/her login details or fraudulent use of his/her Account. Our team is at your disposal to answer any questions you may have concerning the performance of this Contract. You can contact us via your user account or at


The Company retains all ownership and
intellectual, proprietary and moral rights related to the Platform and its content.

You are not authorized to, and You must not allow others to:

i. remove or modify any notices, including proprietary notices of the Company, appearing on the Platform or on the NFTs;
ii. bypass the age verification device set up on the Platform;
iii. modify, disassemble, decompile, reproduce, distribute, republish or download any development or content of the Platform;
iv. suck the content of the Platform for any purpose whatsoever and/or use the data accessible on the Platform without authorization from the Company;
v. use malicious software (viruses) or engage in fraudulent practices (spamming, DOS attacks, phishing, etc.) likely to disrupt the operation of the Platform or infringe the rights of other Users;
vi. attempt to access or gain access to the accounts of other Users;
vii. Attempt to disrupt or interfere with the operation of the Platform or the accounts of other Users;
viii. Use the content of the Platform for any purpose other than to benefit from the Services;
ix. Publish content or materials of a nature to mislead other Users;
x. Publish content or material that is offensive, violent or incites violence or hatred, vulgar, malicious or of a nature to constitute defamation or harassment of other Users or third parties;
xi. Attempt to create confusion by associating yourself with the Company;
xii. attempt to manipulate the Markets or horse races in any way whatsoever;
xiii. use the Services for any illegal purpose such as money laundering or terrorist financing;
xiv. act in concert or in coordination with other Users in order to influence the operation of the Game or the Markets or the actions of other Users.


Any use of the Platform or the Services under conditions that are not provided for in the Contract or that are illegal constitutes a serious breach of contract and entitles the Company to temporarily suspend the Services and immediately inactivate Your Account, without prior notice and by operation of law.

The Company reserves the right to suspend Your Account, and to prohibit You from accessing the Services, at the request of the race organizing companies if, in their opinion, You are likely to compromise the safety or results of the races they organize.

The Company reserves the right to close your account and terminate the Contract in the event of a serious breach of these Terms and Conditions or any event constituting a breach of the law or any other regulation or professional code on your part, in particular in the event of suspicion of fraud, money laundering or financing of terrorism.

Failure on your part to respond to the Company's requests relating to facts that may constitute a breach of the law or of any other regulation or professional code (in particular requests for proof of identity or of the origin of funds used on the Platform or for details of any possible breach of the integrity of the Races) will be considered as justifying the suspension and/or closure of the User account.

Any attempt to commit unlawful acts will constitute a fault that may lead to the suspension and/or closure of the User account.

The Company reserves the right to close your account and terminate the Contract if it suspects that your account is being used for illegal purposes such as money laundering or the financing of terrorism. Failure on your part to respond to any of the Company's verification requests may justify such suspicions.


11.1. Transactions sur la blockchain. Les NFT sont émis et vendus sans objectif d’investissement. La Société n’est pas responsable des éventuelles pertes de valeur des NFT.

Les transactions ayant lieu sur la Plateforme sont réalisées en USDC. USDC est un crypto-actif (actif numérique) dont la valeur peut évoluer au cours du temps. Les actifs numériques sont soumis à un certain nombre de risques, notamment la volatilité des prix. Les transactions sur les actifs numériques peuvent entraîner des pertes importantes. Les marchés et les échanges d'actifs numériques ne sont pas réglementés comme d'autres formes de produits financiers et sont soumis à un environnement réglementaire en constante évolution. Les actifs numériques n'ont généralement pas cours légal et ne sont pas couverts par une assurance de protection des dépôts. Les performances passées d'un actif numérique ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne constituent pas non plus un indicateur fiable des résultats ou des performances à venir. La Société ne garantit pas la valeur des USDC que vous déposez sur Votre Portefeuille et il vous revient de rester vigilant et de vous informer.

Lorsque vous effectuez un dépôt, un paiement ou un retrait dans le cadre des Services, votre demande sera traitée par un prestataire de paiement tiers. Il vous revient de prendre connaissance et d’accepter les conditions d’utilisation des services de ce prestataire de paiement avant toute
utilisation des services de paiement.

Vous êtes informés que du fait de la nature de la technologie blockchain utilisée dans le cadre des Services, toute transaction réalisée sur la Plateforme et portant sur les NFT est irréversible quel que soit le type de marché en cause (Premier ou Second marché).

Vous êtes seul propriétaire et responsable de la gestion de Vos
Portefeuilles (Devise ou NFT) et la Société décline toute responsabilité en cas de perte de vos devises ou de vos NFT. En cas de suspension ou de clôture de Votre compte, pour quelque raison que ce soit, vous conserverez l’accès à vos Portefeuilles. Nous vous rappelons que la Société ne conserve pas votre clé privée et qu’il est de votre responsabilité de la conserver sous peine de ne plus pouvoir accéder à Vos Portefeuilles.

11.2. Exclusion de responsabilité. Dans la mesure où la loi applicable le permet, la Société n'est pas responsable des pertes ou des dommages, directs ou indirects, pouvant résulter de l’utilisation des Services ou de l’achat, de la vente, du transfert ou de l'échange de NFT.

La Société ainsi que les prestataires techniques auxquels elle a recours ne seront pas tenus responsables des éventuels dommages liés à la perte de devises, d’actifs numériques, de données, de gain manqué, de perte de chance découlant de l’utilisation des Services ou des services sous-jacents fournis par les prestataires techniques de la Société que ces dommages soient causés par des failles de sécurité dues à des cyber-attaques, des défaillances électroniques ou technologiques, des défaillances de sécurité opérationnelle, des erreurs d'enregistrement ou pour toute autre raison.

Les Services sont fournis « en l'état » et dans la mesure autorisée par la loi applicable, Nous et Nos dirigeants, administrateurs, actionnaires, employés, sous-traitants, concédants de licence, agents et affiliés déclinons toute responsabilité qu'elle soit exprimée, implicite ou statutaire. Les Services sont fournis sans garantie de conformité à un usage particulier, de qualité satisfaisante, d’absence de vices, de jouissance paisible, de titre, d'absence de contrefaçon.

Nous ne garantissons pas que les Services seront ininterrompus, exempts d'erreurs ou répondront à vos exigences de quelque manière que ce soit ni que les Services seront exempts de logiciels malveillants, de virus informatiques ou d'autres éléments nuisibles ni que le contenu sera exact, complet, fiable, licite ou non contrefait.

La limitation de responsabilité qui précède s'applique dans toute la mesure permise par la loi applicable dans la juridiction compétente.

La Société n'est pas responsable des retards, non-distribution ou d'autres problèmes inhérents à l’utilisation des réseaux de communication tels qu’Internet ou à la technologie blockchain sur laquelle sont inscrits les NFT.

La Société décline toute responsabilité résultant de l’usage que Vous pourrez faire des devises et/ou des NFT.

En outre, aucun conseil, donnée ou information, qu'ils soient présentés de façon écrite ou orale ne créera une quelconque garantie opposable à la Société.

11.3. Garantie légale. Conformément au II de l’Annexe de l'article D. 211-3 du code de la consommation, les dispositions applicables en matière de garanties légales sont intégralement reproduites dans l’encadré ci-après.

Le consommateur dispose d'un délai de deux ans à compter de la délivrance du bien pour obtenir la mise en œuvre de la garantie légale de conformité en cas d'apparition d'un défaut de conformité. Durant ce délai, le consommateur n'est tenu d'établir que l'existence du défaut de conformité et non la date d'apparition de celui-ci.

Lorsque le contrat de vente du bien prévoit la fourniture d'un contenu numérique ou d'un service numérique de manière continue pendant une durée supérieure à deux ans, la garantie légale est applicable à ce contenu numérique ou ce service numérique tout au long de la période de fourniture prévue. Durant ce délai, le consommateur n'est tenu d'établir que l'existence du défaut de conformité affectant le contenu numérique ou le service numérique et non la date d'apparition de celui-ci.

La garantie légale de conformité emporte obligation pour le professionnel, le cas échéant, de fournir toutes les mises à jour nécessaires au maintien de la conformité du bien.

La garantie légale de conformité donne au consommateur droit à la réparation ou au remplacement du bien dans un délai de trente jours suivant sa demande, sans frais et sans inconvénient majeur pour lui.

Si le bien est réparé dans le cadre de la garantie légale de conformité, le consommateur bénéficie d'une extension de six mois de la garantie initiale.

Si le consommateur demande la réparation du bien, mais que le vendeur impose le remplacement, la garantie légale de conformité est renouvelée pour une période de deux ans à compter de la date de remplacement du bien.

Le consommateur peut obtenir une réduction du prix d'achat en
conservant le bien ou mettre fin au contrat en se faisant rembourser intégralement contre restitution du bien, si :
1° Le professionnel refuse de réparer ou de remplacer le bien ;
2° La réparation ou le remplacement du bien intervient après un délai de trente jours ;
3° La réparation ou le remplacement du bien occasionne un inconvénient majeur pour le consommateur, notamment lorsque le consommateur supporte définitivement les frais de reprise ou d'enlèvement du bien non conforme, ou s'il supporte les frais d'installation du bien réparé ou de
remplacement ;
4° La non-conformité du bien persiste en dépit de la tentative de mise en conformité du vendeur restée infructueuse.

Le consommateur a également droit à une réduction du prix du bien ou à la résolution du contrat lorsque le défaut de conformité est si grave qu'il justifie que la réduction du prix ou la résolution du contrat soit immédiate.
Le consommateur n'est alors pas tenu de demander la réparation ou le remplacement du bien au préalable.

Le consommateur n'a pas droit à la résolution de la vente si le défaut de conformité est mineur.

Toute période d'immobilisation du bien en vue de sa réparation ou de son remplacement suspend la garantie qui restait à courir jusqu'à la délivrance du bien remis en état.

Les droits mentionnés ci-dessus résultent de l'application des articles L. 217-1 à L. 217-32 du code de la consommation.

Le vendeur qui fait obstacle de mauvaise foi à la mise en œuvre de la garantie légale de conformité encourt une amende civile d'un montant maximal de 300 000 euros, qui peut être porté jusqu'à 10 % du chiffre d'affaires moyen annuel (article L. 241-5 du code de la consommation).

Le consommateur bénéficie également de la garantie légale des vices cachés en application des articles 1641 à 1649 du code civil, pendant une durée de deux ans à compter de la découverte du défaut. Cette garantie donne droit à une réduction de prix si le bien est conservé ou à un remboursement intégral contre restitution du bien.

11.4. Indemnisation. Vous acceptez de d'indemniser et de garantir de toute responsabilité la Société, ses filiales, dirigeants, administrateurs, employés et agents, de toute réclamation, dommage, obligation, perte, responsabilité, coût ou dette, et de toute dépense (y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les frais d'avocat et d’huissiers), découlant de :

i. votre utilisation des Services et de votre accès à ceux-ci ;
ii. votre violation de l'une des stipulations du Contrat ;
iii. votre violation des droits d'un tiers, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, tout droit de propriété intellectuelle ou de son droit au respect de sa vie privée ;
iv. de toute réclamation selon laquelle Votre contenu aurait causé des dommages à un tiers.

La Société se réserve le droit de modifier ou de suspendre temporairement ou de manière définitive tout ou partie des Services pour des motifs légitimes tels que l’amélioration des Services, des obligations légales, des contraintes techniques notamment relatives à la sécurité de la Plateforme et de ses données.


Neither party may be held liable for the non-performance of an obligation arising from this Contract if such failure is due to an event of force majeure as defined in Article 1218 of the French Civil Code.

In such a case, the party invoking force majeure will notify the other party, as soon as possible, of the occurrence of such an event. If the impediment is temporary, performance of the obligation will be suspended until the party invoking force majeure is no longer prevented by the event of force majeure.

The party invoking force majeure shall keep the other party informed and undertakes to do its best to limit the duration of the suspension. If the force majeure continues for more than thirty (30) days, either party may terminate the Contract by registered letter.If the impediment is definitive, the Contract is terminated ipso jure and the parties are released from their obligations under the conditions provided for in Articles 1351 and 1351-1 of the Civil Code.


You may terminate the Agreement at any time by requesting the deletion of Your User Account and by ceasing to use the Services and ceasing to access the Platform.

Before deleting Your Account We invite You to transfer the currencies contained in Your wallet to a third-party wallet. Similarly, it is Your responsibility to transfer Your NFTs to a third-party portfolio. Failing this, the deletion of Your Account will result in the irreversible deletion of any currencies or NFTs contained in Your Portfolios. The Company shall not be liable for the permanent loss of any currencies or NFTs that have not been saved prior to a deletion request.

The Company may terminate your User account at any time if you fail to comply with the provisions of the Agreement. We will not be liable to you or to any other person for the consequences of such termination.

In the event of termination of the Agreement by the Company, you will be informed of the possibility of withdrawing the currencies and NFTs contained in your Portfolios within thirty (30) days of your notification unless the termination was decided due to a breach of the Agreement or, in particular, in the event of fraudulent or illegal activity. If you do not withdraw the currencies or NFTs contained in your portfolios within this thirty (30) day period, these currencies and/or NFTs will not be returned to you. The possibility of terminating the Contract exists without prejudice to any other legal action available to Us against You.

In the event that We should suspend or close Your account, You will be informed and may contact the Company to provide any information that would allow the Company to reverse this action.


The law applicable to the present contract is French law. The Court having jurisdiction to hear any disputes between the parties relating to the validity, interpretation and performance of this Contract shall be the Court of Appeal of Paris, notwithstanding multiple defendants or third party proceedings even for conservatory proceedings, summary proceedings or by petition.

In the event of a dispute you may have recourse to the mediation offered by
CNPMEDIATION accessible at

Users established in a member state of the European Union may also contact the European Commission's online dispute resolution service at the following address:


Independence of the Parties. No partnership, joint venture or agency relationship exists between the Company and You.

Partial Invalidity of Agreement. If any term of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect and such term shall be replaced by a term consistent with the purpose and intent of this Agreement.

Evolution of Legal Framework. You agree to provide the Company with all necessary information and to keep it up to date. In the event that changes in the legislation applicable to Our business should result in new monitoring obligations on Our part, you agree to provide Us, at Our request, with the information necessary for Us to comply with Our obligation.

Modification or suspension of Services. We have the right to modify the Services and to interrupt them in order to modify them in particular in order to make technical improvements and new functionalities or due to security, technical, legal or marketing imperatives. We will inform you in advance of any such modification or suspension of the Services. We will endeavor to limit the inconvenience attached to such modification and/or suspension and You
remain free to terminate the Agreement in the event that such
modification or suspension should affect You.

The Company may verify Your use of the Services (for example, through the use of software tools) in order to determine whether Your use of the Services complies with the terms of this Agreement.

Third-party services and hyperlinks: The Platform may contain content from third parties or hyperlinks to sites or content generated by third parties.
The Platform may also contain services provided by third parties such as payment services or technical providers in charge of blockchain management. We are not responsible for Your use of such content or services. These services are governed by contractual provisions specific to these third parties and under their sole responsibility.

‍Find information by following these links:

i. Wert / service provider for buying or selling digital assets against legal tender:
ii. StarkWare / provider in charge of managing the Blockchain
Mainnet Ethereum:
Survival of contractual provisions. The provisions of articles 11, 13 and 14 shall survive the termination or rescission of the Contract, whatever the cause and/or basis thereof.
Prohibition on accessing the Services: The Services are subject to and
comply with French law. You may not access the Services from countries where they may be considered a prohibited or regulated activity or subject to specific local approval.


You agree that this Agreement, together with any information incorporated herein by written reference, constitutes the entire agreement between us with respect to the Services, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations, written or oral, with respect to such Services.

It is expressly agreed that the terms of this Agreement shall prevail over the terms of any non-Company document, and none of the terms contained in any non-Company document shall apply to the Services.